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Had a great time catching up with Robert Rounsavall from Trapezoid on his podcast SYN-ACK FIN-ACK. We covered quiet a bit, here are some highlights:

  • How I got into IT

  • 3 years at Terremark

  • Shifting to Information Security

  • Working in Terremark’s SOC and the July 4, 2009 DDOS (,

  • Cloud Security pilot for USG/GSA,

  • Meeting Stephen Northcutt from SANS

  • Getting a book deal by blogging

  • My first presentation at ISSA (Windows 7 Security – Part 1 – Intro to talk and Vista Security)

  • Getting into offensive security

  • Selling penetration testing (exploitation) of production environment in a global financial

  • Entire third part of podcast is all about #redteam and #purpleteam (26:05)

  • We even talked about Club Space Miami 🙂

Hope you enjoy!

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